LINKS Foundation - Leading Innovation & Knowledge for Society

AI, Data and Space Self Hosted GIT

The AI, Data & Space division conducts diverse research and innovation activities centered around artificial intelligence and space systems. Their focus includes designing and prototyping applications that utilize AI and space technology, capitalizing on the abundance of data through hardware and software technologies for Big Data collection and processing. Applied research spans critical areas like safety, environmental sustainability, climate change, energy, industry, agri-food, health, and social inclusion. Space systems research primarily involves processing data and signals from European Galileo and Copernicus systems, integrating them with terrestrial data and systems for various applications. The division's smart solutions cover the entire data value chain, incorporating diverse data sources such as satellites, IoT networks, wearable devices, the web, and personal devices. These solutions employ AI techniques like machine learning and deep learning, with a human-centric methodology to ensure effective information representation and high usability. The division also houses the Satellite Navigation Laboratory (NavSAS Lab).

AI, Data and Space Self Hosted GIT